Archive of: dryers

Miele Professional Case Study.

Miele Professional Case Study.

We were really excited to feature in an article by an online hotelier magazine which praised us for our design support and eco friendly systems in collaboration with ‘Howe Keld’. The award winning Bed and Breakfast in the Lake District that has an ethos of Eco green Iiving at the heart of the core values of their company…

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12 April 2016
Reduce the Carbon Footprint of your Commercial Laundry.

Reduce the Carbon Footprint of your Commercial Laundry.

In the modern world of environmental awareness and corporate social responsibility it is worth giving consideration to your carbon footprint. If your business operations include the use of laundry equipment it is likely that this activity is a key contributor to CO2 emissions and hence your carbon footprint. Apart from the warm glow that you will get from knowing that you have done your bit for the environment cutting down your carbon footprint will cut down your energy consumption which will be financially beneficial in a climate of ever increasing energy prices…

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12 August 2014
What goes into a Commercial Laundry?

What goes into a Commercial Laundry?

Well of course, the answer is commercial industrial class washing machines, dryers, irons maybe even a dosing system. So you set about selecting suitable equipment to meet your laundry requirements, in itself a challenging task. What will you be washing? Clothing, bedding, horse blankets, mops even? How much and how often will you be washing?…

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30 June 2014